So as I wandered thru the CVS card section looking like a crazy woman crying and taking notes, I came up with the following remix of various cards. If I could hand you a birthday card today, here's what I would type on the front:
I love our love story—
The ups, the downs, the twists and turns,
The love that’s kept us together through it all…
I love remembering how we met
And the giddy feeling when we first fell in love…
Savoring all the sweet moments that are forever in my heart…
I love our details—
Our music, our hangouts, our code words and nicknames,
And all the memories we’ve made together…
I love our friends, our friendship, and everything else that connects us,
Heart and soul, and makes our story unique and beautiful…
I love our passion—And tenderness…
Most of all, I LOVE YOU (MORE)!
Then on the inside I'd write my usual novel, of course:) Here's a mini-version:
Happy birthday my love! Every day of my life, I wake up thanking God for you. Throughout each day random memories of you come to mind that make me stop what I'm doing and thank God for you some more. When it's time to go to bed, I thank God for you again, and I ask Him for guidance to become a woman who makes you just as thankful for me. You've always said that I make you wanna be a better man (as if that's possible! you're an extraordinary man!), well you have always made me want to be a better woman! A woman who makes you feel as special and celebrated each day as you make me feel.
So, there it is. Happy What-Would've-Been-Your-33rd Birthday sweetness. 1434