Friday, April 1, 2011


Alrighty babee:) Thanks for hookin me up with my prayer request to JC! The interview went very well! Now, I gotta wait to find out when my 2nd interview is...then when I ace that one, I'll have one more to go. Man, this is such an intense process! But it's so worth it for the perfect job:)

Sorry it's so late - we had a pretty busy day which is just now ending...I should be asleep cuz I gotta leave for the airport around 6, so I'm gonna just leave you with another song that's been on replay all night for me:)

Each time I listen to this song, I always think of that car ride through Alameda with the girls (Alana too). I may have been playin around singing this all dramatic and stuff, but babee - I definately consider you my answered prayer! 1434 - for life:)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nothing Mushy... :)

I finally have a face to face interview for the perfect job! I had my phone interview today, which went very my nerves are on edge for tomorrow! Please ask JC to calm my nerves. This is ecactly what the girls and I need right now. Its 8 miles away, no need to hop on the freeway, and I reallllllly believe I'll love it!

Its all I can think about right now, so no mushy stuff tonight. Please be in that interview room with me to put me at ease babee. 1434

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our semi-Family Portrait

So babee, we WERE scheduled to take family portraits today...but when it came down to it, I came-up with every excuse in the book NOT to in my head! It just wouldn't be the didn't feel right. How could we take an "ijklm" photo (professionally) without "m"? Finally, I wore myself out walkin around the mall with the girls as we waited for our 7:20 appointment, and the girls just didn't "feel it" anymore, so we left.

I look at this picture we snapped earlier today and I couldn't help but notice the space in the middle. If I had photoshop, I SO woulda put you right there!!!


On another note...something heartbreaking (but amazing at the same time) happened today. Keila got her permit! Our babygirl is one step closer to being an independent woman! Things are happening so fast again. Our household went from 5 to 4 when you relocated to Heaven; then in the Fall it'll go from 4 to 3 when Lala goes off to college.

I lost the man God created just for me (that's YOU, of course) in November, and the beautiful young lady who I am privleged to be a mama to (and kinda grew-up WITH for a while) is going off to college less than a year later! Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way (the college part), but WOW!

November 2010- you left, Thanksgiving

December 2010- Isa's 10th b'day, Christmas

January 2011- New Years

February 2011- Valentines Day

March 2011- what would've been your 33rd b'day, our 7 year Myspaceiversary, our 4 year anniversary

April 2011- Easter, Spring break

May 2011- Jin's 13th b'day (another teenager! *sigh*), Gabbi's cotillion (You're supposed to be here to present one of the 18 roses...)

June/July/August 2011- Lala's high school grad, no more "Club Aragon" summer bbq's or many ijklm Discovery Kingdom trips, our first ijklm trip to HI for Rie & Gene's wedding and mini vacay

September 2011- Kids back to school, Lala off to SFSU

October 2011- Lala turns 18, my 33rd

November 2011- your 1 year Heavenly Birthday

...that's a lot to take in. 1434

Monday, March 28, 2011


I can't believe I didn't lookup our FB/Twitter activity from our anniversary last year! When I saw this today, I cried as if you had just sent it to me...
"I want to wish my wife a Happy anniversary. She fullfills me and lifts me up."
March 24 at 9:18am


On April 16 at 5:08am, I posted on your wall: "I am so amazingly in LoVe with you baby:) Just sayin..."

You replied: "Babee....I Love you more than you know...."
April 16 at 7:04am

Then I said: "i love you more:)"
April 16 at 9:18am


Then on May 28 at 5:24pm, I shared: "We've grown to be one soul - two parts; our lives are so intertwined that when some passion stirs your heart, I feel the quake in mine. ~Gloria Gaither"

You commented: "I love Leila...."
May 28 at 6:28pm

And again, I said: "I love you more:) LoL"
May 28 at 6:33pm ALWAYS let me have the last "I love you MORE" UNTIL 11/4/2010 before you closed the door for the last time. REALLY??? SERIOUSLY??? That's just WRONG! :(

June 16 at 3:52pm: "I LOVE being so in LOVE with an amazing man who's so in LOVE with me:)"

Your reply: "Babee I Love you more than you realize. You are stuck with me no matter what. I will Love you and protect you through it all.....Muah"
June 17 at 1:22am

Wednesday June 16, 2010 was FLASHBACK WEDNESDAY:) It brought back so many memories and feelings from throughout our relationship. On your FB Wall, I posted:
"Usually when two people are together for a long time things seem to change…It’s been said that nothing good can last forever, but our love gets better every day!

We go through problems just like everybody else, but I don’t mind cuz it makes us keep it fresh. What’s sadder than an argument is the thought we may have never been…

You’re my lover, my babies father, my lifetime partner, and my friend. You’re still the man of my dreams, you’re still the man for me and I’m still in love with you so deeply…

…the question everybody asks, is how WE make it last, I tell them “I still, he still, we still…” Still feels like the first time we met… (first time) we kissed…(first time) we said “I love you”…We still run around like teenagers even though we're grown and married with kids, and we still talk on the phone for hours when I’m away…he still, writes letters and sends me flowers…I still, he still, we still..."

I also commented with a bunch of other song lyrics that hit home...but in reply to this song, you said: "This song was one that we heard when we first got together and wished that this would be us. We're not old yet, but everything else fits us perfectly. This proves our love for eachother. I love you babee.....Muah....".


It drives me nuts that I can't find official music videos for all our songs...but this'll just have to do. Talk to ya later babee... i STILL love you MORE!!! :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

More than the day before...

I'm finding out more and more each day just how much I miss having you by my's always much more than I thought the day before. 1434