Saturday, June 25, 2011
So little time...
Wish you were here to help us get thru this. But then again, if you were here, we wouldn't have to go thru so much change in such a small amount of time! The random memories of you that would bring me to tears in private became public today. I was just sittin with Marie and watching all the kids playing one of those dance games and all I could think about was the video of you battling Joseph at Just Dance! Without warning, the tears started falling. Family parties will never be the same without you...I miss you so very much.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The girls and I have been goin thru boxes and separating junk from keepers. Its a trip how we never even finished unpacking and here we go again...moving!
I came across an old shirt of yours that you loved to wear when it was kinda cold, but not jacket weather. It was in a bag of clean and folded laundry that got tossed in the storage room under the stairs. Jin found the bag and started pulling things out one by one and separating it all into piles. Go figure-the shirt was the only thing in the bag that belonged to you. I probably sound crazy, but it got me all emotional and stuff...
Then we came across a book you bought called "52 Things Kids Need From a Dad". (As if you needed a book!!!)

This move is gonna be pretty emotional for us... Moving from Oakland was quick and sorta hands-off for us since there were so many loved ones taking care of it all. Now, it's up to us to really dig deep into everything since we'll be super-limited in regards to space in our new (temporary) home.
This is good for us though. Its kinda helping us heal as we sort thru our memories and the life we're moving forward from. I've got a tough(er) year ahead since my goal is to be done with school, get my career going, and get into a place of our own before Jin starts High School and Isa starts Middle School - which is basically a year from September. I PROMISED the girls that wherever they start High School is where they're graduatung from. No more moving!
Anyways love, I better get back to the junk. 1434
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Thank God for the cool breeze out right now! It feels soooooo good outside. Summer nights are just sucks that we gotta get thru the almost-unberable heat to get to them.
This is soooooo CLUB ARAGON weather! Chillin in the back smellin the yummy bbq, playin dominoes/skip-bo/phase 10/or Texas Hold'em w/ the crew, jammin to old school, I wish we could go back there. It's all I can think about in this darn heat! Everytime I'd complain about it, you'd remind me of Club Aragon. You ALWAYS made me feel better when it came to stuff like that. That's probably why I tend to feel down sometimes - you're not here to make me happy.
The "Mark withdrawls" are starting up again with the change of season. Time for a getaway! Can't wait to head to SoCal next week with the fambam! Perfect timing!!!
Right now the girls and I are chillin downstairs watching George Lopez...just like the old days:). Wish you were here...1434
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I'm not saying i'm doing horrible and having random mood-swings. I am definately aware of my attitude and it's effect on those around me...but mentally, everything sucks!
Don't be mad - I chopped my hair off today! MUCH shorter than you'd ever approve of...LoL. But my hair's so thick and it's so hot! I HAD to get it off my neck! I know, I coulda just pulled it back like I always do...but it's starting to fall out much more (stress had effected EVERYTHING about me)and pulling it back all the time wasn't helping any. For the record though, Atch likes it! And knowing her, she woulda said something if it looked like crap:).
School's over for the kiddo's, Lala's graduated, and now it's time to get to packin for our next move. Non-stop changes for us! But we gotta keep on keepin on. Things definately are moving forward, so I have no complaints about it. (Other than the obvious!)
"The more you focus on the problem, on the bad thing that is happening to you, your life just goes down, down, down," says Anne Graham Lotz. This is why it's so important for me to keep my focus up, up, up!!! Thinking of you all the time and all the positives helps me do this. Thank God I haven't "lost it"!
Gnite babee...1434.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Happy day-after-Papa's day
For this years Fathers Day family potluck we brought some of your faves:)! Jr Whoppers (no cheese) -Strawberry Cheesecake (2 faves in 1) -and Lemonade:). You loved big huge Whoppers w/out cheese, could drink a gallon of lemonade in one sitting, if cheesecake was on the menu there was no need to ask what you'd like for dessert, and you would eat/drink ANYTHING-strawberry all day long if you could...but we're 4 chicks on a budget, so this is gonna have to do:)! LoL
Here's a lil something Jin made for you...
And here's one from Isa...
We all missed you like crazy! The Jr Whoppers were a hit...they were gone first:). And although it was a day to celebrate you and all the fathers in the fam...we also celebrated the fact that everyone in my family has stepped-up as best they could to help fill your shoes as a Papa to the girls! Without a doubt, their love, support and prayers have made their journey of grief much less painful:). Seeing the family in action helps me to understand how God could possibly consider us capable of getting through this! He equipped us with a family who's faith can move mountains!
Anyways...Happy day-after-Papa's day babee. 1434
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Papa's Day!
Know that you are truly missed babe. You took papahood seriously since before the girls called you "Papa". You were an active part of their everyday lives...even in ways we didn't realize till after 11.4.10. To the people around you everyday - even the ones the girls and I had never met - you were known as a loving, proud, supportive, dedicated, loyal husband and papa, and hearing about it as people randomly send me messages will never get old...
Thank you for all you've ever done and all you were to and for our girls...and continue to do through our memories of you. HAPPY PAPA'S DAY! 1434