The girls and I have been goin thru boxes and separating junk from keepers. Its a trip how we never even finished unpacking and here we go again...moving!
I came across an old shirt of yours that you loved to wear when it was kinda cold, but not jacket weather. It was in a bag of clean and folded laundry that got tossed in the storage room under the stairs. Jin found the bag and started pulling things out one by one and separating it all into piles. Go figure-the shirt was the only thing in the bag that belonged to you. I probably sound crazy, but it got me all emotional and stuff...
Then we came across a book you bought called "52 Things Kids Need From a Dad". (As if you needed a book!!!)

This move is gonna be pretty emotional for us... Moving from Oakland was quick and sorta hands-off for us since there were so many loved ones taking care of it all. Now, it's up to us to really dig deep into everything since we'll be super-limited in regards to space in our new (temporary) home.
This is good for us though. Its kinda helping us heal as we sort thru our memories and the life we're moving forward from. I've got a tough(er) year ahead since my goal is to be done with school, get my career going, and get into a place of our own before Jin starts High School and Isa starts Middle School - which is basically a year from September. I PROMISED the girls that wherever they start High School is where they're graduatung from. No more moving!
Anyways love, I better get back to the junk. 1434