I just LOVE ending bad days with good nights at the Haight's! There's nothin like a bunch of kids running around, lots of laughter, an amazing meal, and encouraging talks to remind me of just how blessed I really am:).
I could explain the lows, but they're not worth it. I'm abundantly blessed with an amazing family, loving friends, everything the girls and I NEED, and a million memories of you and the love we share. That's all that matters. As for everything else - I do my part, and the rest is in God's hands. Can't change the past, but I do have control over my perceptions. The two songs that help get me through are: Blessings, Laura Story; and Praise You in This Storm, Casting Crowns. I've posted them before...but it's my blog, so I can post them again:). Goodnight BooBoose. 1434