Thursday, February 10, 2011

1000th Tweet:)

After having my Twitter account since 03/17/2009. I sent my 1000th Tweet tonight and it said: "Tweet #1000: @keilarenee @Jinmeilani @sauceebel and @MrsLeiRA miss @MrkArgn like crazy! WE LOVE U MORE BABEE! We're BLeSSeD to have had you!"

I know, I feel like a teeny-bopper making such a big deal out of my 1000th tweet...but I can't help it! You make me all mushy and corny like that:). LoL

So, It’s 2:04am and I’ve been working on this blog post for about 3 hours. It’s taking much longer than I thought so I’m gonna finish it up later. I hate to leave you all curious and stuff, but you’ll have to wait till later to see even what is already complete. 1434 babee love! Na-night…