Monday, February 21, 2011


(My Card to you on the 3rd anniversary of the day we met...)

"Time has been good to us.
It's deepened our love,
strengthened our friendship,
And made me very sure
that I could never feel this close,
this much in love,
with anyone else.

We've learned to overlook or even laugh
about little problems
and not turn them into bigger ones.
And when real trials
have come along,
we've learned the true value
of having a loving friend and partner
to share them with.

Time has been good to us.
We still look at each other with love,
and that makes
life beautiful.

Love has been good to us.
And especially
on our anniversary,
I want to thank you
with all my heart
for sharing your life
and your love with me."
(Alarie Tennille)

Babee, if you were to ask me if I still felt this way today "I'd Still Say Yes"! 1434