Thursday, April 7, 2011

Goodness, gracious...

Hey babee. Have I told you lately that I miss you like crazy? :)

I've got my first vendor-booth-gig tomorrow at VBC for my Blessings Unlimited biz. I'm sooooooo excited! I have no clue what i'm doing, but who better then our VBC Worship Ministry family to kick-start my biz with?!? I get to showcase a bunch of items, hand out catalogs, and shmooze with friends:) I'm so excited!!!

So, I haven't quoted any GriefShare emails lately cuz they've been kinda BO-RING! A lot of "remarriage" topics that I'm just not remotely interested in. Not to say it's's just not right for me. There's just no way any man would stand a chance with a heart that's still in your hands! Goodness, gracious...

Anyways, I've got a long day ahead of me so I'm gonna start getting things ready then head to bed. See you in my dreams my suga-baby:) 1434