Wednesday, February 23, 2011

False Guilt

Check out today's GriefShare email:

|False Guilt: Satan's Lies

Day 101

"Yes, Satan knows when to come. He lays it on you," explained Dr. E. V. Hill. "I Just want you to know it's not of God; it's the devil. God isn't punishing you at all. The devil's doing that."

The guilt and blame you hear echoing in your head is Satan lying to you. Understand and believe this.

Dr. Hill said, "So watch the fact that it's not the voice of the Holy Spirit. It's the visitation of the devil. Rebuke it as such. Stick with your faith in God no matter how it hurts. And God has a great reward for you."

When guilt rears its head, stay focused on the truth and do not be deceived by lies.

"He [the Devil] was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44).

Holy Spirit of God, teach me to recognize Your voice and to follow it with assurance. Amen|

I aint gonna lie babee...I continue to beat myself up every single day for not keeping you at the house just 1 minute longer! Even just a few seconds would have had you away from that intersection long enough to avoid the collision!!! Its a constant attack I've been allowing to keep me bottled-up with so much guilt. I feel like all the hurt caused by your death is something I could've prevented! I understand that you were on your way to a job and coworkers you loved, but its the timing I feel guilty for!

I am NOT suicidal or anything...but there have been days that I beg the Lord to take me because dealing with losing you, on top of the guilt is so painful! Then I feel like "ok God...this pain is my punishment." Then I get a wakeup call like this email that brings me back to the reality that Satan IS REAL!

Satan knows that I would never have purposefully allow you in harms way...He knows that this ache I feel everyday because the girls and I miss you soooooo much gives him the perfect opportunity to mess with me!

I HATE HIM! He really needs to step-off my nerves because its really affecting my life and the girls lives as a result! Its hard enough to try and go on with my life here on earth without his evil butt up in my mix!!!

Babee, if theres ANYTHING you could do up there...please do it! I cant even begin to explain the toll it has on me, and our everyday lives...