Tuesday, June 21, 2011


As you know, I've never been one to enjoy heat! The sweatiness, discomfort...so uncomfortable! What sucks now is the effect all of the above has on my mood and feelings! Not too long ago I had a breakthrough and decided to make a conscious effort to focus on the positive rather than dwelling on the negative. Well, these days it's so hard to get past the discomfort to see anything positive!

I'm not saying i'm doing horrible and having random mood-swings. I am definately aware of my attitude and it's effect on those around me...but mentally, everything sucks!


Don't be mad - I chopped my hair off today! MUCH shorter than you'd ever approve of...LoL. But my hair's so thick and it's so hot! I HAD to get it off my neck! I know, I coulda just pulled it back like I always do...but it's starting to fall out much more (stress had effected EVERYTHING about me)and pulling it back all the time wasn't helping any. For the record though, Atch likes it! And knowing her, she woulda said something if it looked like crap:).


School's over for the kiddo's, Lala's graduated, and now it's time to get to packin for our next move. Non-stop changes for us! But we gotta keep on keepin on. Things definately are moving forward, so I have no complaints about it. (Other than the obvious!)

"The more you focus on the problem, on the bad thing that is happening to you, your life just goes down, down, down," says Anne Graham Lotz. This is why it's so important for me to keep my focus up, up, up!!! Thinking of you all the time and all the positives helps me do this. Thank God I haven't "lost it"!

Gnite babee...1434.