Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Keila c/o 2011

"I have prayed for you...that your faith may not fail." Luke 22:32

Not a day goes by without me recognizing the power of prayer. There are so many people have been praying for us since day one, and I truly believe that's why we haven't lost our way.


Another big "first" is in less than 48 hours when Keila graduates from High School. You became a part of our family when she was just starting middle school. Before makeup, cell phones, Myspace, Facebook and teenage drama. You were the homework helper all throughout middle school and high school. Always scared the boys away and looked out for her and all her friends. Birthday parties, choir performances, open houses at school, hip hop, martial arts, shared so many moments and in so many cases, made many of those moments possible. Walks around Lake Merritt, rides here and there and back. Papa-daughter talks - you never raised your voice no matter how frustrated you'd be...

Out of everything I've mentioned (and the many other things not mentioned), I'm most thankful for the example you've given her of the future husband/father of her children that God has created just for her, and will reveal to her one day. She witnessed with her own eyes what LOVE looks like, and because of that she won't have to go thru too much heartbreak before realizing who her "soul mate" is. On the flip-side, she's seen us struggle due to our lack of education and waiting too long to get it together in life. But we always used our circumstances as a life lesson for her. She knows what it's like to be "without", and therefore has an appreciation for all she's blessed with.

The woman she is becoming has so much to do with YOU! Her graduation is not just a celebration of her accomplishments, but also of the impact you had in her life. Thank you sweetie. 1434