Thursday, January 20, 2011


Last night, Keila attended her first small group meeting with a few girls from the high school ministry. Isa and Jin went to their second AWANA class last night too, and I just hung out in the church lobby reading.

Speaking of reading...I've been reading the first 3 chapters of The Undistracted Widow over and over again! I keep finding myself wanting to go back and reread everything! I love it! And its helping me so much to read about how another Christian woman is dealing with the loss of her husband, while drawing closer to God in the process.

Anyways, back to the girls... I spent some time watching Jin and Isa interact with their group leaders at the end of their classes. One thing for sure about this church is that they sure know how to make newcomers feel like family! As we were on our way to pick up LaLa from her small group, Isa and Jin couldnt say enough about how much they loved the church.

I was afraid that LaLa wasnt gonna enjoy her small group as much as i had hoped, but instead, she was so happy she went! As for me, I'll be attending a womans "mixer" Sunday afternoon to get to know eachother a bit. Then a group of women will be breaking us all up into pairs for good ol fashioned one-on-one disiplship. I am so excited!!! We're so blessed to have found such an amazing church family (First Baptist Church-FBC)!

Well my love, I didnt get much sleep at all since you visited me in that crazy dream yesterday, and i think my brain is finally catching up with my body, and ready to sleep! So goodnight sweetness...1434!