Saturday, February 5, 2011

3 Months (Part 2)

God's timing never ceases to amaze me! After a few failed attempts over the past couple months (due to our address change and an over-worked post office), a package filled with love and encouragement arrived today. TODAY, babee!

Inside was a card and gift from our former corworkers at PMSI in Florida. The notes of comfort written by many of the friends were so genuine and loving, I had to shed some tears. Only a couple of them were able to meet you in person once or twice...but your work relationship with them was primarily over the phone and via email. It's such a precious thing to know how you touched the lives of so many people...even ones on the other side of the country whom you hadn't even met in person!!! All the love we've received from many of your friends and coworkers that only knew us thru you is one thing - but to receive such love and comfort from friends whose relationship with you was long distance and mainly work-related is...WOW! I can't even find the right words to explain the feeling! These are the kinds of things that make me fall in love with you over and over!

Needless to say, that package totally made my day!

My goodness...I just looked at the clock and it's almost 5am! I gotta get some rest because we're having a family partay tomorrow at Atch and David's. I can't wait to see everyone! Goodnight booboose. 1434