Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 11, 2010 at 3:09pm

I came across this, and it brought me to tears...

By his family and closest friends, Mark will be remembered as being easy going, incredibly loving, extremely approachable, beyond supportive, fiercely loyal, a great listener, a faithful friend, and the one to go to for the best hugs!

Mark’s greatest testimony, however, will be as a husband and father. From a distance, Mark loved and admired Leila for many years. In God’s time, Mark not only became her faithful husband but also gladly and lovingly took on the role of father to Leila’s three daughters. He was their Papa. They were his girls. It was clear to everyone who knew him that it was his greatest priority and desire to lead, to protect, and to provide for Leila and his girls as best as he could.

I miss the security we felt when you were here. Even Keila mentioned the other day that even though we live in a much safer place now, she doesn't feel as safe as she would if you were here with us. We miss just having you with us everyday! Isa often says "I miss papa" out of the blue, and Jin will always reply "Who doesn't?".

Yesterday, Keila and I went to the gym for the first time since you and I last went together. I was thinking about how you'd be spotting me, but every 5 seconds you'd see someone you knew from back in the day and start choppin it up w/ them. Then you'd introduce him/her to me while i'm in the middle of a set w/ sweat drippin down my face, and i'd just smile and say "hi", meanwhile losing count, and you'd make me start over! Gosh, I miss you - my "personal trainer from hell"!!!! LoL

A couple weeks ago Isa received a package in the mail from her old school. Her entire class made her cards telling her how much they miss her. It was the sweetest thing ever! Her best friend Taylor wrote about how things haven't been the same since we moved and that she has no one to hang out with now that Isa moved. My heart dropped when I read that! It made me think about how so much has changed since you "moved".

As I wrote last night (super early this morning), dealing with the CHP about your death is lookin like it just ain't gonna be easy. But we know we must do what we can to make the CHP reconsider its current pursuit policy which unnecessarily puts members of the community at risk. You would not want this to happen to anyone else, if you could help it!

Man babe, that QUIET STRENGTH of yours is so painfully hard to duplicate in the midst of grief AND nonsense... It hurts me to think about what you're feeling as you look down watching all of this! Satan is having a field day now that you, a mighty warrior of Christ, has gone to heaven! But thanks to Biblical grief counseling, the guidance of many Godly men and women in our lives, the Bible, and your amazing legacy - we will get thru this! ...and justice will prevail!

Romans 12:17-21 (New American Standard Bible)
17 Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men.
18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.
19 Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord.
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

I miss your hugs and kisses...and I love you more;)